The Youth Ministry at Ebenezer United Methodist Church is a community of youth and adult volunteers who gather twice a month to explore and grow in faith together.

Our hope for the Youth Ministry is that it is a place where youth in grades 6-12 can come and experience unconditional love and support. We believe that faith is a lifelong process of growth and development that must be journeyed with others in community. Our program is focused on Jesus as the one who shows us how to live with purpose and conviction. As a group we value honesty even when it’s difficult and strive to create a space where it is safe to share questions, doubts, and struggles without fear or shame. We are an inclusive community where each individual student is welcomed and appreciated for their uniqueness, rather than the ability to conform. We are intentional in our efforts to build connections within the youth group when we gather, and also to keep our youth connected to the church community nurturing healthy relationships with children and adults.
Our youth participate in all areas of our church including worship, fundraisers, missions and outreach, VBS and nursery. All of these activities, plus more, are open to the youth of the community.
To get involved, please contact Doug Diethrich or Cindi Arnold at the church office.